ROAR I am Druid
and i am fluid
for i can do everyones jobs
oops i aggro'd thos mobs
but no worry you see
i can do the job of three
so a heal here and over there
oops the priest is in despair
not being attacked though
his mana is so low
i wasted his healing
on those he was already seeing
the mobs are still attacking
and we are lacking
the power of my bear
into the fray i tear
but i have to start cold
the fight is already old
and no aggro can i hold
still i am bold
and what is going on?
the mobs are gone
onto the mana poor healer they are
how very bizarre
oh noes the priest is down
the party is beginning to frown
the mobs are tearing us apart
this isnt very smart
and this is the story
of the druid seeking all the glory
for truly they do rob
when they try to do everyones job

Hereon is a collection as promised by Jamieson B. Taylor - 5000 verses - Please note: All profits and proceeds realized from this blog are donated to Freedom from Hunger, Bread for the World, and charity:water charities. Please tell your friends to stop by and check it out and together we can change the world. God bless.