Some will come as curious. Some will come exploring. Some will come to whip and bind. No universal truths. No final facts.
I love you all, is how I should start. Snowflakes now gather and listen well. You will last only as long as you fall. Dance as beautifully as you can in the wind. Soon the earth shall take you.
Home, she is waiting. With something hot from the oven. My beautiful perfect little girl will dance and demand a hug. I love what I have. I have what I love.
Go in peace.

Hereon is a collection as promised by Jamieson B. Taylor - 5000 verses - Please note: All profits and proceeds realized from this blog are donated to Freedom from Hunger, Bread for the World, and charity:water charities. Please tell your friends to stop by and check it out and together we can change the world. God bless.