Sometimes while dreaming awake i wander wondering wishing white walls would warp
doesnt make any sense does it? but there i am lost limping like loose lame lampreys licking little lilacs
my little cherub too
is this my legacy to you? my snowflakes... someday soon i will add a paypal link to my site so you may donate to my cause
to write 5000 verses dedicated to love
i have to eat also
"Arise, Kill, And Eat" Acts 11:7
so did i slay your heart?

Hereon is a collection as promised by Jamieson B. Taylor - 5000 verses - Please note: All profits and proceeds realized from this blog are donated to Freedom from Hunger, Bread for the World, and charity:water charities. Please tell your friends to stop by and check it out and together we can change the world. God bless.